Our Capabilities

Every month KidStuff PR clients grace the pages of top parenting magazines, appear on national TV shows, and win rave reviews from top bloggers alongside products from industry giants like Mattel, Hasbro and Spinmaster. KidStuff PR clients consistently garner so much media attention that the agency itself has begun to make news.

The company has some unique tools to help achieve media coverage and build awareness for its clients to a remarkable degree.

  1. After focusing on this niche since 1994, the company has become skilled at spotting winning products that are likely to catch media and blogger attention.
  2. The company is based in the Midwest.
  3. President Lisa Orman and full-time associate Matt Sweeny work in the office. Long-time expert contractors help with writing and pitching, making the company bigger and more professional than a single practitioner, but small enough to be accessible and intimate. Because the type and quantity of clients it has, the agency has the top-of-the-line design, media monitoring and database tools, top technology and methodologies.
  4. The agency is not trying to be all things to all people. Its passion is its niche for products and services for kids and families, and has lengthy and exceptional relationships with media and bloggers who cover these. The agency is clear on what it excels at and wants to stand for.
  5. Because it has worked with innovative and unique companies for such a long time, when the agency reaches out to media or bloggers, they’re predisposed to look at the agency’s pitch because they enjoyed the last ideas the agency has told them about. It doesn’t guarantee placement by any means, but we are able to get them to take a look.
  6. We help clients understand the array of award agencies in the field and which ones can help their particular business and product the most.
  7. We help new players make the most of toy and gift trade shows.
  8. We take care of our relationships with media.
  9. We have many creative ways of getting clients on TV or in print or online media.
  10. We understand how all of the parts of the puzzle work together to achieve business success for our clients.