Review or Giveaway Guidelines

We love working with our diverse, vetted group of influencers and bloggers to build awareness for clients’ products and services!

Thanks for your interest in KidStuff PR clients! Every day we get requests to have our clients’ products featured on websites and blogs, and we take the time to evaluate every request. We understand the power of websites and blogs and enjoy working with them because they offer an unbeatable way to contact our target audience– moms, dads and caretakers! If you’re interested in hosting a review or giveaway of KidStuff PR products on your blog or website, please read the guidelines below.

Reviews should be thoughtfully written

We don’t want you to just copy and paste our press release  into a post. We send bloggers a sample of the product to review and use with children or adults of the target age, which is what we expect them to do. When bloggers share their personal experiences and opinions with their readers, both the readers and our clients get a greater benefit from the review. Of course, the factual information in our press release is there for you to supplement your post.

Reviews should be lengthy

Summarizing the products’ features and physical characteristics in one paragraph isn’t a review– readers can get that themselves by visiting the client’s website.

Reviews should include high quality photos showing the product in use

We prefer posts to be coupled with an image. Readers may forget the name of the product, but will often remember what it looks like. We also prefer influencer or blogger include photos and video of the product in use. It’s even better when a blogger posts images of their children using the product, or better yet– a video of their child using the product!

Your blog/YouTube channel/influencer account should focus on reviews 

Blogs that we work with tend to be review related rather than personal or deal-based. If your blog is largely about the everyday goings-on in your house, or consists mainly of round-ups of the best coupons and deals around, that’s great– but that isn’t a great fit for our clients. Similarly, there are many blogs that focus on beauty, cooking or other lifestyle themes. If that’s your blog and you rarely review toys, games or services for children or families, we’re probably not a good fit. We work with blogs that parents across the country visit regularly, to find in-depth product reviews that they can count on. Increasingly, our clients look for authentic use of their products, in an influencer’s channel environment which is lifestyle and family-oriented.

Posts need to be timely

We don’t want to send you a sample in August, and see the review posted in January. Many times the products we send out are chosen specifically for that time of year and we hope they can be reviewed within a few weeks.

Minimum required stats for bloggers, YouTubers and influencers

Finally, and most importantly, your blog needs to have an established readership base. Generally, we judge that by looking at your social media following, your blog’s unique visitors per month and the number of entries in giveaways. At minimum, a blog should have 7,500 unique visitors a month, get an average of 150 entrants per contest and have a minimum of at least 2 of these: 2,000 Facebook page likes / 1,000 Instagram followers / 3,000 Twitter followers / 3,000 Pinterest followers.

For vloggers interested in working together to share our clients’ products on their YouTube channel, we look for YouTube channels to have a minimum of 7,500 channel subscribers and channel views of at least 750,000 or with unique scenarios where a YouTube channel has a viral video with exceptional views, KidStuff PR will vet these YouTube channels on a case-by-case basis.

For TikTok influencers, we look for collaboration partners to have at least 100,000 video views in the previous 30-day period and at least 20,000 followers but – we may make exceptions for TikTok accounts with viral video content (between 250,000 and 1 million views on a video) for toy related TikTok content, for accounts with at least 10,000 followers.

For Instagram influencers interested in working together, we look for your Instagram account to have a minimum of 12,000 followers with at least 1% engagement on your most recent 20-30 posts. For accounts with 50,000 followers or more, we take special consideration by looking for the engagement of the last three most popular toy and game product posts to be above 1% engagement. For sponsored partnerships, we look for influencers engagement rate to be above 1% on their last 20 posts. We may make exceptions to our agency’s minimum requirements policy for influencer accounts with ultra-high engagement (above 5% for last 5-20 posts) all to be determined by KidStuff PR.

What are engagement levels for Instagram influencers?

  • Low/poor = less than 1%
  • Good = 1% to 3%
  • High/great = 3% to 5%
  • Awesomesauce/very high = above 5%

How do we calculate engagement?

We look at the engagement for the most recent 20 posts using this equation:

((Like + Comments / Posts) / Total Number of Followers) / 10) * 100 = Engagement Rate

Calculating Engagement for TikTok Creators

(Like / Posts) / Total Number of Followers) * 100 = TikTok Engagement Rate

We feel these are fair minimum stats requirements considering the cost associated with product samples and shipping. If you are going to host a giveaway or review, we need to have some confidence that enough people will see the post to justify costs. We never ask for products to be returned; we agree the product is part of your compensation.

**Many blogs offer “additional entry opportunities” to their readers. Note that we take this into consideration when evaluating a blog. If there’s an opportunity for 4 additional entries by tweeting the post or subscribing to a newsletter etc., since most entrants utilize these additional opportunities, 150 comments are actually more like 25-30 people.**

Other Influencer Accounts

For TikTok influencers, we look for channel views, likes and followers. For Snapchat accounts, we’re interested in seeing viewer demographics, completion rates and other recent Story Insights. Here’s a few examples of how to access recent Insights for your Snap account.

If you think your blog would be a good fit, please fill out our blogger form and we look forward to working with you!


It’s important to our agency and our clients that our influencer team members social accounts’ engagement be authentic—where followers are real families who like and comment on your posts. Conversely, it’s a game changer for us if an influencer does participate in any groups that falsely inflate your engagement or who buy followers and likes.

Examples of Instagram Accounts which Falsely Inflate Engagement

FTC Compliance

Learn more about COPPA, made for kids videos and FTC compliance for YouTubers and social influencers.

How to Authorize your Instagram Account in Klear

Are you looking for help connecting your Instagram account to Klear? Read the help guide.